Accreditations and memberships
An overview of some of the official accreditations and memberships that Vetter UK currently holds.

The official trade association for the natural stone industry
Vetter UK is a full member of the Stone Federation Great Britain.

ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environment Management and ISO 45001 Health & Safety.

Constructionline - Gold Member
Constructionline accreditation reduces the need to complete a variety of pre-qualification questionnaires (PPQ) as part of the tender process.

Contractors Health and Safety (CHAS)
One of the founders of third party accreditation who set industry benchmarks, provide assurance and reassurance, and offer services that are easy to use and cost effective.

Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP)
SSIP operate a robust and consistent Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) agreement between SSIP member schemes that is clear and transparent.

Ethical Stone Register - Declaration Level
A unique resource created specifically for the natural stone industry, in response to The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the issues of sourcing materials responsibly.