• Client: Crossrail
  • Architect: Hawkins Brown
  • Duration: Complete
  • Location: London
  • Glass Reinforced Concrete
  • Grannazzocem Terrazzo
  • Stainless-steel supports
  • Use of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA)
  • 12,500m² - Glass Reinforced Concrete Cladding
  • 6,350m² - Terrazzo Flooring
  • 1,750m² - Terrazzo Skirting

To have played our part in producing such an iconic piece of infrastructure is something that our whole team will always be incredibly proud of.

Across both Liverpool Street and Tottenham Court Road stations, we were responsible for the installation of 23,000m² of glass reinforced concrete cladding, 12,700m² of terrazzo flooring and 3,500m of terrazzo skirting, in addition to the primary stainless-steel supports to the platforms, tunnels and escalator linings.

The differentiator between both stations is the size and shape, Liverpool Street has both longer tunnels and platforms. For our team, there were several different challenges that they had to overcome throughout the project, namely:

  • the amount of steelwork involved in the subframe for the GRC cladding
  • the setting out and geometry, which was especially challenging for the cathedralesque main central concourse section
  • the installation of the 14no tusks. Due to the size and weight, each tusk was set and transported in two separate elements on a specially designed frame. These elements were assembled on the platform and installed as one tusk.
  • the installation of the Trumpets at Moorgate and Broadgate. Both were equally complicated with regards to the installation angle, simultaneous setting out of many brackets and logistics.
  • the AP9 tunnel connection with the live Moorgate station. The biggest challenge being the coordination of our work with a live station to ensure minimum passenger disruption.

The steel subframe was assembled off site as double strut units each side of the tunnel - every base plate and head piece had to be set out to very exacting coordinate points to allow the system to be connected and the GRC panels to slot into place. These had to be coordinated with service run locations by way of pre-cut holes in the steel frames.

Due to limited access and headspace, the installation of the panels above the escalator proved to be a complex piece of installation. A bespoke scaffold was built that allowed our team to undertake the work, with every panel being carried by hand to position.

Both Liverpool Street station and Moorgate stayed operational throughout which was achieved by utilising our group off-site manufacturing principles.